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Pastor Dan Blakely: Morning Devotion 08/06/21

Faith in Action

All Christians we have been given the privilege to share the Gospel. The Good News. This commission has been given to all believers.   Each generation has found this task met with both acceptance and rejection.  Lives have been given to the cause.


The message and mission of Christ has been shared throughout the world, yet many still have not heard. Ministry is designed to include every believer. Faith in action. The word of God coupled with works for God.


As believers we are called to embark on the journey to reach a world in need. Specifically, to the world in which our lives are individually a part of.


In Colossians 1:1-14 Paul (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) communicates a message of thanksgiving and inspiration to the people of Colossae.  In this text we find commendation for the reputation of what Paul has heard about their faith in Christ and their love for all God’s people.


Ministry and service for God can become complex in terms of outreach, but it must always be motivated in Love.  A sincere love for God and pursuit of God, which in turn produces a sincere love for people and pursuit of people.


God’s grace is amazing. His grace is a catalyst for us to see beyond the sin of an individual to view the heart and soul needing rescue. Allowing the Christian to become a conduit or path for God’s forgiveness and redemptive work to take place.


Each day, may we consider God’s mercy applied on our behalf so that we may be properly motivated to do God’s work for His kingdom with zeal.


Pastor Dan Blakely

Pastor Dan

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